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Reflections on 2024: From the Executive Director's Desk

Presbyterian Preschool Services

Updated: Jan 1

"Behold, I am doing a new thing: now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." - Isaiah 43:19

This year has been nothing short of a wilderness journey - a season of trials that tested us in ways we could never have imagined!

It began with a devastating fire that destroyed a significant portion of our preschool in Ang Mo Kio, leaving us shaken and uncertain. As if that wasn't enough, several key staff members faced life-threatening illnesses, affecting not only their health but the morale and capacity of our entire team. All of this unfolded as we embarked on the transformation of our preschools into Little Olive Tree, a monumental shift in identity and purpose.

Aftermath of the fire @ LOT Ang Mo Kio
Aftermath of the fire @ LOT Ang Mo Kio

Amidst the challenges, we embraced opportunities to grow and innovate, even as we navigated limited funding that tested our resilience. In a highly competitive landscape where others were striving to thrive or expand, we remained steadfast in our mission. It was a season that strengthened our determination, driving us to seek creative solutions and trust in the promise of greener pastures ahead.

In such moments, I am reminded of the verse we chose to start the year with: Isaiah 43:19. This verse speaks of God doing a new thing - making a way in the wilderness and providing rivers in the desert.

Upon reflection, that is exactly what God did.

Despite our dire circumstances, He had provided a path forward, sustaining us with resources, strength, and hope. This year has been a powerful testament to His faithfulness, proving that even in the harshest deserts, His provision and grace flow abundantly.

In contempt of the vulnerable season we're in, we expanded our Little Olive Tree network of preschools, growing from 15 to 20. Among them is The Chinese Kindergarten, who is the oldest preschool in Singapore. It is an incredible honor to be able to partner alongside this heritage preschool, together with many others, to grow and glow!

While we were very limited in resources, we were able to extend support to preschools in Cambodia, Indonesia and India. These support came from many individuals coming together, giving their five loaves and two fishes, and trusting God to multiply their efforts without compromising their own needs.

We were also blessed with the Community/Sports Facilities Scheme (CSFS) space at One Holland Village, now a vibrant community hub shared by the Presbyterian Church in Singapore, Presbyterian Community Services, and Presbyterian Preschool Services.

Far East Mall - One Holland Village
Far East Mall - One Holland Village

Reminiscing even further back, this year also marked 50 years since the opening of our first preschool, Heng Teck Centre, at Block 113, Bukit Merah View. Though that centre is no longer around, God's steadfast love and provision have been with us every step of the way. It is undisputedly evident that over the decades and through our highs and lows, God has remained faithful, leading us with unwavering grace.

As we enter into 2025, let us carry forward the lessons of the past, and continue to trust in God's promises, knowing that He will make a way even in the wilderness and provide rivers in the desert.

We can now boldly step forward with faith, hope and thanksgiving, ready to embrace the new things God has in store for us!

May 2025 be filled with His blessings as we hold each other's hands and continue to serve, grow, and glorify Him in this ministry.



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