Love is the most important element in teaching.
A teacher can teach skills and impart knowledge but without love, may not make a difference in the child’s life.
Love can open our eyes to see our children as beautiful and precious individuals. It moves us to care for them, even those whom we find hard to relate to. It drives us to make every effort to help them flourish, to become who they are meant to be.
When our children feel that we love them, they are motivated to learn and excel. It moves them to love as well. Teachers become their friends in exploring the world, comforters when they go through pain, cheerleaders when they experience success and teachers who give them confidence to be the best of themselves. When teachers convey love to the children, they, in turn, learn patience and compassion to see their struggles, listen to their aspiration and feel their heartbeat.
Besides showing love, we also deposit the principles of Truth, Goodness and Beauty to our children. We impart the fundamentals of Truth to help them identify what is real from what is fake; imbue Goodness in them to do good to others even when it could be inconvenient to do so; and learn to appreciate Beauty for themselves.
Giving love is not easy. It requires strength, courage and sacrifice. However, it will also reward us with love in return.
爱心 – 作为一名老师最重要的条件
活出爱不容易,需要力量, 勇气和牺牲,但是回馈将是孩子们全部的爱。
Lim Ee Tuo
Executive Director
Presbyterian Preschool Services
Visit https://www.presbypreschool.edu.sg/careers to learn more about the opportunities at PPS. Give children a strong foundation in truth, beauty and goodness today.