On the first Saturday of every new year, the staff of Presbyterian Preschool Services (PPS) and Presbyterian Community Services (PCS) gather as one body to lay the foundation for the months ahead. This year, on January 4th, we convened in the sanctuary of Orchard Road Presbyterian Church under the theme "His Love Endures Forever," drawing strength from Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24.
This commencement and dedication service is a moment to commit our hearts, our hands, and our minds to the Lord's work. It is a collective pledge to reflect His boundless love in every interaction, every decision, and every effort in our ministries.

A Sacred Call to Dedication
Reverend Dr. Caleb Soo reminded us during his inspiring sermon that God's love is unchanging and steadfast—a love that carries us through triumphs and trials alike. As we reflect on 50 years of ministry, we are humbled by the evidence of His faithfulness in every milestone achieved, every life touched, and every seed of kindness sown.
One of the salient points Rev. Dr. Caleb touched on was the call to ministry.
He encouraged us to leave a blessing and create a positive, lasting impact on the lives of young children, and that teachers, second only to parents, often wield lifelong influence over a child.
The highlight of the service was the dedication pledge—a heartfelt commitment spoken in unity. As a ministry, we promised to serve with compassion, humility, and integrity, letting our actions be an offering of worship. In our schools and community spaces, we dedicate ourselves to creating safe and nurturing environments where every child, family, and colleague feels the love of Christ.
Setting the Tone for the Year Ahead
The service also celebrated the faithfulness of our staff with Long Service Awards, to witness the enduring commitment of individuals who have walked this journey with us. New appointments and staff members were warmly welcomed, signaling the growth and fresh perspectives that will shape our ministry in 2025.
As the service concluded with hymns of praise and the uplifting prayer of dedication, we left the sanctuary reminded that our ministry is a divine calling and a profound privilege to serve the Lord through our work, embodying His grace in the lives of those we encounter.
Carrying His Light into the World
As Christian educators and social workers, our mission is to make Christ known through the excellence of our service and the sincerity of our love. We aim to show His presence in our thoughts for others, and in the way we communicate with one another—with patience, kindness, and respect.
This commencement service serves as a compass for the year, aligning our hearts with God’s purpose. It challenges us to be unwavering in our faith and diligent in our efforts, trusting that every seed sown in love will bear fruit for His kingdom.
As we step into 2025, let us hold fast to the truth that His love endures forever.
May everything that we undertake be a living testimony to His glory, and shine as a light pointing back to Him!
“The Lord has done it this very day; let us rejoice today and be glad” (Psalm 118:24)

Long Service Award 2025 - 5 years of service
Oon Tik Theam, Roger
Alvin Eu Hong Ray
Lai Irene
Liew Nam Lin
Liu Lai Kwan Annie
Sin Yuet Lan, Doris
Tan Chong Teik Roy
Chia Hooi Chow
Lee Yuen Mei
Long Service Award 2025 - 10 years of service
Long Service Award 2025 - 15 years of service
Long Service Award 2025 - 20 years of service
Long Service Award 2025 - 25 years of service
Long Service Award 2025 - 30 years of service